rather rare records.

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far out, man, just “tell it like it was”

MY APOLO­GIES for ne­glecting reg­ular readers of my blogs for the past few months. For­tu­nately, there is a good reason for this that has nothing to do with those silly ru­mors cir­cu­lated by the VRC that I had run off and joined a pro­gres­sive com­mune in Ver­mont left over from those hippie-wannabe days of yore. [Read more] “far out, man, just “tell it like it was””

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frank mccarthy and the art of the movie poster

I STUM­BLED AROUND the In­ternet looking for the name of the artist who did the poster for the 1968 movie The Green Berets. I found the Dan­gerous Minds web­site which not only iden­ti­fied the artist as Frank Mc­Carthy, but had an en­tire page de­voted to his art: “The Kick-Ass Poster Art Of Frank Mc­Carthy” by Paul Gal­lagher in­cludes four dozen pieces of art by McCarthy! [Read more] “frank mccarthy and the art of the movie poster”

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john wayne and “the green berets” as pentagon propaganda

WHEN THE SINGLE The Ballad Of The Green Berets was re­leased in Jan­uary 1966, I was 14-years-old (“one hun­dred men will test today”). Being a good, pa­tri­otic Amer­ican lad, I went out and bought it on the same trip to the record store that I picked up the Byrds’ latest record, Set You Free This Time / It Won’t Be Wrong (“but only three win the green beret”). [Read more] “john wayne and “the green berets” as pentagon propaganda”

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todd alcott’s repurposed quotes and old images *

OPEN CUL­TURE bills it­self as “the best free cul­tural and ed­u­ca­tional media on the web.” They have re­cently pub­lished two pages where artist Todd Al­cott uses his com­puter and his love for old mag­a­zines and pa­per­backs to create “new’ cover de­signs that look like old mag­a­zines and paperbacks. [Read more] “todd alcott’s repurposed quotes and old images *”

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the true story of how austin became the liberal hotspot of texas *

AUSTIN IS NO­TO­RIOUS among Texas cities for being so damn lib­eral. This state of af­fairs has baf­fled many people over the years and one of them asked this ques­tion on Quora: What caused Austin, TX to be more lib­eral than the rest of Texas?” The common-sense an­swer is the in­flux of ed­u­cated stu­dents at the Uni­ver­sity of Texas in Austin. [Read more] “the true story of how austin became the liberal hotspot of texas *”

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we all had a crush on janet munro and hayley mills

THE ROUND PLACE IN THE MIDDLE is a web­site de­voted to sev­eral topics, one of which is movies—mostly older movies. Blog host/chief-cook-and-bottle-washer John Ross seems to love every kind of movie ever made and writes elo­quently and en­thu­si­as­ti­cally about them. His ar­ti­cles and re­views reg­u­larly have me bor­rowing DVDs from the library. [Read more] “we all had a crush on janet munro and hayley mills”

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ssgt barry sadler and the ballad of the green berets (plus a few dominoes)

ON JAN­UARY 29, 1966, one of the strangest hit records in pop­ular music made its debut on the Cash Box Top 100 chart. It was a simple, folk-like song that sounded like it should have been played over the closing credits of a movie, not played round-the-clock on Top 40 radio sta­tions across the country. [Read more] “ssgt barry sadler and the ballad of the green berets (plus a few dominoes)”

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is the novel catch-22 representative of the sixties?

SE­LECTING TEN NOVELS that sum up the era we refer to as “the Six­ties” would be a task worthy of a minor Greek demi-deity. And by the Six­ties, I am re­fer­ring to the whole peace-love-do-your-own-thing coun­ter­cul­ture: pot and acid and con­scious­ness ex­pan­sion and free love—lots and lots of free love—and rock & roll and Zap Comix and you know the rest. [Read more] “is the novel catch-22 representative of the sixties?”

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ron cobb and the designing of the ecology symbol

THE ECOLOGY SYMBOL has been with us so long that it looks and feels rather an­cient. That it re­sem­bles the Greek letter theta, which has been around for thou­sands of years, cer­tainly helps with its look of an­tiq­uity. In fact, it is less than fifty years old, an­other piece of today that orig­i­nated with the hippie-counterculture move­ment of The Sixties. [Read more] “ron cobb and the designing of the ecology symbol”